
Interview with Dr. H.M.D.R. Herath

හන්තාන කඳු පන්තිය තුරුලේ පහස ලබන, මහවැලි ගං කොමළියගේ නෙක හැඩ රටාවන්ගෙන් විභූෂිත වූ, පේරාදෙණිය සරසවියේ විද්‍යාර්ථයන් තුළ, පරිසරය, තුරුලතා, ඇළ දොළ ගංගා කෙරෙහි ඇත්තේ අපමණ ලෙන්ගතුකමක්. ඒ ආහ්ලාදජනක හැඟීම සිය ඇටමිදුළු දක්වා ම කා වැදුණු විද්‍යාර්ථයන් පිරිසක්, එදා හැත්තෑව දශකයේ මුල්භාගයේ, තවත් විශ්වවිද්‍යාලීය සහෘදයන්ට, ඔවුන් ලද අත්දැකීම් සමීප කරනු වස් ගොඩනැගුනු පේරාදෙණිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලීය ගවේෂකයන්ගේ සංගමය නැමැති කුඩා දිය දහරාව, දශක ගණනාවක් ඔස්සේ විශ්වවිද්‍යාලීය ප්‍රජාව තමා වටා ඒකරාශී කර ගනිමින්, සුමුදු වැලි තලාවන් මතින් මෙන්ම ගල් බොරළු පිරි බාධක හමුවේ, නොනැවතී නොනැසී විසල් ගංගාවක් දක්වා සිය භාරය පුළුල් කර ගනිමින් වර්තමානය දක්වාම ගලා ඇවිත්.

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Rammale Kanda Exploration - 2021

Inguru-Oya Falls Exploration - 2021

Conical Hill Exploration - 2021

Hadurukkanda Exploration - 2021

Mahaeliya Kanda Exploration - 2021

Dumbanagala Exploration - 2021

Dethanagala Exploration - 2021

Ethagala Exploration - 2021

Rajurugala Exploration - 2021

Kurulugala Exploration - 2021

Kabaragala Exploration - 2021

Knuckles Five Peaks & Alugal Lena Exploration - 2021

Knuckles/Kalupahana Exploration - 2021

Pattramale to Kondagala Exploration -2021

Watawala Kanda to Galboda Exploration - 2021

Loolkandura Exploration - 2020

 හැමදේම අපිට ඕන විදියට පුරුදු රිද්මයටම සිද්ධවෙන්නෙ නැති වුනත් සමහර දේවල් තියනවා කොහොම හරි ජීවිතයට ළංකරගන්න ආස හිතෙනඑක පාරටම ලෝකෙම නැවතිල තිබිල ආයෙම හෙමින් හෙමින් දුවන්න ගත්ත වෙලාවක අපිත් ආරම්භ කලා අපේ ගමන පුරුදු විදියටමපේරාදෙණිය විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ගවේෂකයින්ගේ සංගමය හන්තාන කඳු වැටිය ගවේෂණයෙන් 2020/21 ගවේෂණ 
වාරය ආරම්භ කරද්දි දෙවන ගවේෂණය විදියට තමයි ලූල්කඳුර,කොණ්ඩගල ගවේෂණය යෙදිල තිබුණෙ.                                                                                   

Pettigala Exploration - 2020

Makulussa Exploration - 2020

Pettigoda Kanda Exploration - 2020

Yakdessagala & Aadagala Exploration - 2020

Pattaramale Exploration - 2020

Kehelpathdoruwa & Yahangala Exploration - 2020

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Hanthana Exploration - 2020

නව ගවේෂණ වාරය එනම් 2020/21 ගවේෂණ වාරය අරඹමින් විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ගවේෂකයන්ගේ සංගමයේ පළමු ගවේෂණය අප කාටත් හුරුපුරුදු වූ හන්තාන කඳු මුදුන බලා යාමට සියල්ල සූදානම් කෙරුණි. වෙනදාට වඩා සෞඛ්‍ය පිළිවෙත් පිළිපදිමින් සුපුරුදු පරිදිම විද්‍යා පීඨ ප්‍රධාන දොරටුව අසලට පෙර දැනුම් දී තිබූ පරිදි කඳුකර ගවේෂණයට රිසි වූ බොහෝ පිරිසක් රැස්ව සිටියේ නව ගවේෂණ වාරයට නවමු ඇරඹුමක් ගෙනදීමටයි.

peraCHAMPS School Orientation - 2019

ඉර පායන පැත්තට හැරෙන සූරියකාන්ත මල් වගේ අපිත් හොයාගන්නව කොහොම හරි හිත්වලට ලෙංගතු දේවල් ජීවිතේ විඳින්නහුස්ම ගන්න අපිට ඕන විදිහට.

ඉතිං එහෙමකන්දක් නගින්නපරිසරය විඳින්නඑහෙ මෙහෙ දුවන අතරෙ පේන මේ ඇස් ඉස්සරහම තියන අපිට මග හැරෙන ලෝකය සැහැල්ලුවෙන් නිදහසේ විඳින්න වගෙම මේ පය ගහල ඉන්න බිමට දෙයක් කරන්න පුළුවන් තැනක අපි හුස්ම ගන්නව.

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මේ උඩ දියලුම සංරක්ෂණයට යොමු විය යුතුම කාලයයි.....!

ලොව අනෙකුත් රටවල් හා සසඳා බලන විට විශාල ජෛව විවිත්වයක් ඇති දූපතක් ලෙස ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සැලකේ. මේ නිසා දේශීය පමණක් නොව විදේශීය සංචාරකයන් දැඩිසේ ඇලුම් කරන තෝතැන්නකි. අද වන විට කඳු තරණයට හා කඳවුරු බැඳීමට විශාල නැඹුරුතාවයක් ඇති වී අත්තේද ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ මනස්කාන්ත කඳු පන්තීන් නිසාය. මේ ලෙස කඳු තරණයට පමණක් නොව කඳවුරු ගැසීමට වඩාත් සුදුසු ස්ථානය බොහොමයක් ඇති නිසා ඌව පළාතේ මධ්‍යම කඳු පන්තියට විශාල තැනක් හිමිවේ. උඩ දියළුම මඩොල්සිම නමුණුකුල කඳු පන්තියනාරංගලඇල්ල ඒ අතරින් ප්‍රසිද්ධ ස්ථාන කිහිපයකි. නමුත් සංචාරයේදී බොහෝ දෙනෙක් තම සතුට ගැන සිතනවා විනා පරිසරයේ ආරක්ෂාව පිලිබඳව ඉතා අඩ සැලකිල්ලක් දක්වති. මෙහි අවසානය පරිසරය දූෂණයට ලක් වීමයි.

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony of “peraCHAMPS” 2017 was held at E.O.E. Pereira theatre, faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya at 06.30 P.M. The Senior Treasure of UEC – Dr. Jagath Gunathilaka, Former Senior Treasurer of UEC – Prof. H.M.D.R. Herath, Senior members of UEC - Prof. Swarna Wimalasiri, Dr. Buddhika Dassanayake, Dr. Nanda Gunawardhana and the President of Students’ Union – Mr. Nipuna Sankalpa attended the event as honorable guests.

At first, the president of UEC addressed the meeting welcoming all. Then, Prof. H.M.D.R Herath and Dr. Jagath Gunathilaka expressed their ideas about peraCHAMPS and UEC. Next, the winners were announced. The Champions of peraCHAMPS 2017 was “J’pura Lancers” and the Runners up was “Mora Rangers”. They were awarded with trophies by Dr. H.M.D.R. Herath.

Finally, the meeting was wounded up after the vote of thanks by the Secretary of UEC.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Day 02-Highlights 

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Day 2

Second day of “peraCHAMPS” 2017 started at 06.00 A.M. from the Camp Site. Competitors had to complete a hike through Hanthana mountain range within shortest possible time. It was not just a simple hike, there were many events and challenges on their way; First Aid event, Ladder event, Seeker Challenge and many more. They had to use their common sense and team spirit to overcome those challenges.

A map with the route was given to all the teams. Competitors had to follow it. At the end of the route, there was a cycle race. And it was the last event of “peraCHAMPS” 2017. After finishing it, all the teams gathered near the Science faculty, UoP.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Day 01-Highlights 

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Campfire

After completing all the events, competitors of “peraCHAMPS” 2017 gathered around Camp Site. There were many activities organized for them. First one was to make their own tent. After finishing that task, they had to cook their own food with the given facilities. Everyone seemed very much excited. The best part of the day, ‘Camp Fire’ started after having dinner.

At first, all the team leaders cheered loudly for the camp fire. Then, it was fired by the president of the Explorers Club at 09.00 P.M. That evening was a very enthusiastic time with songs, dramas and many other enjoyable activities.

Finally, activities of day 1 came to an end with camp fire. Everyone got in to their tents with a load of unforgettable memories in one day. Next day will be another adventurous one at Hanthana Mountain.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Day 1, Evening Session

Adventure sports events of “peraCHAMPS” 2017 were started at 09.00 A.M. from the ground premises. Competitors had a great opportunity to capture the excitement in the following events.

•Water Rafting


•Waterfall climbing

•Tarzan Bridge

•Rock Climbing

•Boat event at Jayathilaka Lake

•Creative event at Camp Site

Water Rafting at Mahaweli River which was a newly added event to this competition in this year was one of the most eye catching one.

After completing all the game events, teams headed to the Camp Site. Today was one of the gigantic experience for everyone.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Day 1, Morning Session

The biggest event of University Explorers Club (UEC) of University of Peradeniya, “peraCHAMPS” 2017 was started on 23rd of September 2017 at 06.00 A.M. in the university ground premises. At first, the president of UEC addressed welcoming all the teams to this grand event. After that, honorable guests who were invited including Vice Chancellor - Prof. Upul B. Dissanayake, Deputy Vice Chancellor -  Prof. R. L. Wijayaweera, Senior Treasurer of UEC - Dr. Jagath Gunathilaka, Former dean of the faculty of Science - Prof. Anura Wickramasinghe addressed the gathering. Thereafter, the secretary of UEC explained about the game events.

Each team was included with 8 members, 5 boys and 3 girls. 9 universities participated in this event making it more and more competitive. After addressing all the teams, they were given a chance to sign on the backdrop. Finally, Game Events were started after warming up session.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Registration and Orientation

The inaugural meeting of the Inter University Adventure Sport Competition, ‘peraCHAMPS 2017’ was held on 22nd September 2017 at the common room of the Science Faculty, University of Peradeniya with the participation of  leading universities throughout the country; University of Colombo, University of Ruhuna, University of Visual And Preforming Arts, South Eastern University, University of Uwa Wellassa, University of Moratuwa, University of Sri Jayawardhanepura, University of Rajarata and University of Kelaniya.

Registration of the teams with competitors was done from 4.00 pm onwards. There after an orientation was held to give the participants an idea about the Explorers’ Club and  peraCHAMPS competition which they were about to experience.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017 || Preparations

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2017-Coming Soon Intro

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17-Day 02 || Flashback

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17-Day 01 || Flashback

"Raja Kapuru" - Stage Drama

The drama " Raja Kapuru" which was organized by the University Explorers club was held at the prof. Ediriweera Sarathchandra Open Air Theater yesterday (2017-04-25). The drama "Raja Kapuru" which was a history for about 29 years staged for the first time at the open air theater and the air theater was filled with a huge crowd.

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"THURU SEWANA"-Photography Exhibition - 2017

Annual Get-Together 2017

Annual Coaching Camp-2017

Chariot Pathway Exploration-2017

Kabaragala Exploration-2017

Denmark Hill Exploration-2017

Gombaniya Exploration-2017

Rakshagala Exploration-2017

Lakegala Exploration-2017

Railway Exploration-2017

Eight of us,from University Explorers' Club successfully completed the railway pilot hike between 7th and 11th of April, 2017 from Badulla to Peradeniya.

On the day before we started our hike, we left Peradeniya station at about 11.30PM and reached to Badulla station at about 7.00AM on 7th of April. We started our journey at 10.00AM on 7th of April from Badulla railway station.
On the first day of our jouney ,we spent night at one of our club member's residence at Bandarawela and second day night also we spent night at one of our club member's residence at Ambewela .Third day night we stayed at Hatton railway quarters as one of our member arranged it for us.

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Hunnas Falls Exploration-2017

Bambarakanda, Devil's Staircase Exploration-2017

Lakshapana, Aberdin, Sudugala Ella Exploration-2017

Ravana Caves Exploration-2017

Kadiyanlena Falls Exploration-2017

Kadiyanlena Waterfall, Devon Waterfall, St. Claer Waterfall, Bomburu Ella and Ella Rock was covered in this Hike

Bambaraganoya Waterfall Exploration-2017

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17 - Day 02 || Closing Ceremony

After completing a successful competitive hike in the hanthana mountain range,all the freshers gathered to the gymnasium of university of peradeniya along with the senior members for the awarding ceremony.The ceremony was honoured with the presence of Dr.Jagath Gunathilaka(senior treasurer of UEC), the advisory board members; Prof.Herath,Prod.Anura Wickramasingha, Prof.Swarna Wimalasiri,Prof.Ranjith Dissanayaka and the creative event added glamour to the ceremony.The science faculty emerged victoriously for the 4th consecutive time and all the participants were awarded with certificates marking the end of another successful perachamps competition.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17 - Day 02 || Evening Session

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17- Day 2 || Morning Session

Second day of the peraCHAMPS was started at 6.30 am.All competitors diligented to know about the new challenges which have to face today.Today they participated to abseiling,Tarzan bridge ,puzzle event,mini games & also map reading.This day also would be a memorable day of their life.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17- Day 1 || Night Session

After completing game events, competitors had some free time to refresh. Then they all together contributed to prepare the dinner. Dinner was also a memorable event for all. Camp fire was started at 8.30 p.m. It was a wonderful moment decorated with songs, dramas and many more fun events.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17- Day 1 || Evening Session

All the events of day 1 came to an end. A camp fire is to be held at 8.00 p.m. at university premises.

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17 - Day 1 || Morning Session

After the opening ceremony, competitors were given a warm up session. Next, events were started. Competitors engaged with the competition enthusiastically. They were able to get an unforgettable experience.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17 || Opening Ceramony

peraCHAMPS 2k17, the inter-faculty adventure sports competition was organized by the University Explorers' Club for the freshers of the University of Peradeniya. The main objective of this competition is to teach young freshers how to face challenges and also to promote adventure sports. In the first day, the event was started at 7.30 a.m. on 29th of April 2017 with seven teams namely Sharks, Bears, Eagles, Vipers, Lions, Panthers and Tigers. Seven teams will be facing different challenges such as Boat building & riding, rock climbing, first aid, Tarzen bridge, cooking with limited resources, creative fusion and camping. Every team seems to be very excited to feel the experience. Dr. Jagath Gunathilaka (senior Treasurer UEC), Prof. K.M.S.Wimalasiri, Prof. A.Wickramasinghe and Mr. Palitha maddage (Director of physical Education Department) were also participated to illuminate this occation.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2K17-Intro

Dividos Kanda Exploration-2017

Hunnas Falls Exploration-2017

Kabaragala Exploration II-2017

Uthuwankanda Exploration-2017

Uthuwankanda mountain is located in mawanalle area.
 it is hight about 430m. The mountain can be seen from the colombo kandy main road.
Uthuwankanda is famous because of the gang leader "saradiel " who become a legendary figure in srilanka during the colonial time.

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Asupini Ella Exploration-2017

Thotupala Kanda Exploration-2017

රාමරාවණා පුරා වෘත්තයේ  කේන්ද්‍රිය හිමිකාරිත්වයක් දරන ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ තෙවැනි උසම කදු මුදුන වන "තොටුපොල කන්ද" වෙත ගිය ගවේෂණ චාරිකාව මතක් කිරීම පවා හරිම අපූරුය.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ මධ්‍යම  කදුකරයේ උසින්ම පිහිටි සුන්දරතම තැනිතලා බිම් කඩ වන "හෝර්ටන් තැන්නේ" පිහිටි තවත් අපූරු කදු පන්තියක මුදුනත තරණය කිරිමේ උද්යෝගයෙන් සුie\s 110ක් පමණ වූ ගවේෂණ කණ්ඩාය්ම හන්තාන සරසවියෙන් පිටත් වන්නේ රාත්‍රී 11 ට සරසවි උයනෙන් පිටත් වන තැපැල් දුම්රියට ගොඩවීමේ අදිටනින් ය. මද වේලාවෙන් පැමිණි රාත්‍රී තැපැල් දුම්රියට ලහි ලහියේ ගොඩ වූ ගවේෂකයෝ අතෝරක් නැතිව ගී ගයන්නට වූයේ "ඔහිය" දුම්රියපොල දක්වා ගෙවා දමන්නට ඇති තරම් කාලය තිබූ හෙයිනි. බිං ගෙවල් මැදින් ඇදෙන් දුම්රියේ මැදිරි දොරකඩ ඉදගෙන කෑ ගසමින්ගී ගයමින් සිත් සේ විනෝද වූ ගවේෂකයෝ ඔහිය දුම්රියපොලට ළඟා වන විට පාන්දර 4.30ට පමණ විය.

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Bambaraganoya Exploration-2017

Brandigala Exploration II-2017

Arangala Exploration-2017

Rathna Ella Exploration-2017

Rathna Ella is a beautiful waterfall situated near Hasalaka. It is the 10th highest waterfall of Sri Lanka which is 111ft high. University Explorers reached there on 7th May 2017 as the 8th event of 2017/18 hike season. It was an amazing experience for all the participants, including a free shower from the waterfall.

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Peacock Hill Exploration-2017

A new exploration again.... This time it was a beautiful mountain range which is near by kotmale tank.Peacock mountain is hight about 1518m.from the top can be seen ambuluwawa,kabaragala,dolosbage & also nawalapitiya, gampola areas.So this is the way we climbed the hill through the rain & mist.

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Galboda Waterfall Exploration-2017

සුපුරුදු පරිදිම පේරාදෙණිය ගවේෂකයන්ගේ කණ්ඩායම අලුත් ගවේෂනයකට මුල පුරනවා.... ඒ ගලබොඩ ඇල්ලට. ඉතාමත් මනබඳින මේ දිය ඇල්ල පිහිටා තිබෙන්නේ නුවරඑළිය දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ හැටන් දුම්රිය මාර්ගයට යාබදව. උසින් 5 හා පළලින් 6 පමණ වන මෙම දියඇල්ල හා ප්‍රදේශය දුර්ලභ ශාක වි‍ෂේශ උරඟ විෂේශයන්ට ඉතා සොඳුරු තෝතැන්නක්. ඉතින් මේ පේරාදෙණි ගවේශකයන්ගේ සංඟමය මෙම ජෛව පද්ධතිය නිරීක්ෂණය කර අපූරු දුම්රිය ගමනකින් මෙම ගවේශණය අවසන් කරා...

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Alagalla Exploration-2017

Another amazing hike of the season, Alagalla mountain range or 'potatoe mountain range' turned up on 18th March.Nearly 50 students gathered to hike this mountain range which has acted as a natural barrier during the invasions to the Kandyan Kingodm. This is situated at an altitude of 1140 m near the boundaries of the central and sabaragamuwa provinces providing a better place for a variety of insects specially for butterflies and lizards. After walking through the estate and the jungle,and adventurous climbing of the rocks the summit was reached and the scenary could not be described with words. The summit provided a good terrace to view the surrounding mountain ranges of Bathalegala,Devanagala,Ambuluwawa could be observed .The adventurous hike successfully ended up by the train journey to Peradeniya.

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Loolkandura Exploration-2017

One of the most amazing hikes of the hike season, "Loolkandura Exploration" took place on 12 th march,2017. Loolkandura estate also called Loolecondera,is well known as the first tea plantation estate in Sri Lanka. Under the guidance of James Taylor ,it produced fine tea making "Ceylon Tea" popular in the world. The Taylor's seat, the chimney of the log cabin and the well used by him are displayed in the estate. A fantastic view of the surrounding mountain ranges including Piduruthalagala, Hortain Plains, Great Western could be seen.Especially variety of endemic species; butterflies ,plants and animals could be found.

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Bathalegala Exploration-2017

Another wonderful and a fantastic chapter of the hike season opened today on 5th of March 2017. Everybody who travels on the Kandy-Colombo route see a beautiful scenario which is almost similar from the shape to the Sigiriya rock. It's the Bathalegala rock or Bible rock which was a name given by the British people. Some question about the name "Bible rock"? It's because of the shape of the rock from the surface when we look from far away it's more or like similar to an opened bible.. This beautiful mountain has an elevation of 670m, and it naturally owns an enormous bio diversity which simply creates the beauty of the whole system which fills with many varieties of butterflies, birds, snakes,leopards,snakes etc...and many spices including clove and etc...
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Hanthana Exploration-2017

Hanthana mountain range,located in the central hills is one of the environmental protected areas in Sri Lanka.Being located near University of Peradeniya,Hanthana is most popular among the university students.This mountain range was explored on 26th of February by the university explorers club as their first event in the 2017/2018 hike season.There are seven peaks in this mountain range,and the highest is Uragala. From top of this mountain range,a better view of the surrounding including Mahaweli river,alagalla mountain range,peacock hills etc can be seen.

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Geology Orientation Programme-2016

"Sudu saha Kalu" Stage Drama-2016

“Sudu Saha Kalu” stage drama which was organized by University Explorers’ Club (#UEC) - University of Peradeniya was held yesterday(23) in Prof. Ediriweera Sarachchandra Open Air Theatre at 7.00p.m.

This project was to build up a fund for new hike season 2016/2017.

We completed this project with complete success.
We thank you all for those who supported us on this project to make this success.

Annual Campfire-2016

Manigala Exploration-2016

Bana Samanala Exploration-2016

Namunukula Exploration I-2016

Pilot hike in Namunukula Mountain range(2016/2017 Hike Season) on 13-02-2016.

Namunukula is the name of a mountain range in Sri Lanka's province of Uva. Its main peak is 2,035 metres (6,676.5 ft) high. The name means "Nine Peaks". It also the name of a town near it which is sometimes called Namunukula Town (6° 52' N 81° 7' E).

Pollebedda Exploration-2016

Pilot hike in Pollebadda area & Nuwaragala mountain(2016/2017 Hike Season) on 17/18/19-02-2016

Pollebedda, a veddah village in the Ampara District.
Nuwara Gala, once the kingdom of Saddatissa, brother of King Dutugemunu, still boasts of ruins of an old castle and a rock pool built on top of the mountain. It is believed that Saddhatissa who was hiding from his brother lived in Nuwara Gala until the death of King Dutugemunu.

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Ravana's Cave Exploration-2016

Ravana's Cave - Nildiya Pokuna
රාවණා ගුහාව - නිල්දිය පොකුණ

The fascinating adventurous pilot has been done by the University Explorers' Club(#UEC) of University of Peradeniya to the Rawana's cave located in Ella area in Bandarawela.It was successfully completed on 27 th of march 2016.

Most of the legendary secrets have been burried under the history. It’s enough...That they have to be mined and should build up the real history. One of the most thrilling, fascinating and adventurous travel to Rawana’s caves.

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 | Documetary

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 || Closing Ceremony

The conclusion of two days programme was successfully completed with the closing ceremony which was grandly done by the members of University Explorers' Club(UEC) yesterday(18) from 5.30 pm onwards.
Uva Wellassa University was the winner up of the competition, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was the runners up and University of the Visual & Performing Arts was the 2nd runners up from all the eight universities who participated.For the function most of the honourable guests were participated including Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University of Peradeniya.

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peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 - Day 2 || Afternoon Session

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 - Day 2 || Morning Session

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 - Day 1 || Campfire 

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 - Day 1 || Afternoon Session 

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 - Day 1 || Morning Session

peraCHAMPS-Inter University-2016 || Opening Ceremony

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 || Orientation & Registration

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 | Intro

peraCHAMPS-Inter University 2016 || Preparation

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2016 || Day 02

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2016 || Day 01

peraCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2016 || Preparation

Hanthana Exploration-2016

2016ක් වූ මාර්තු මස 27 වන ඉරු දින පේරාදෙණිය සරසවියට තවත් නැවුම් දවසක් වෙද්දී ගවේෂකයින්ගේ සංගමයට නම් තවත් නැවුම් හීනයක සැබෑවක්ම විය. ඒ නව ගවේෂණ වාරයක ආරම්භක දිනයයි. සුපුරුදු හන්තාන කඳු වැටිය ගවේෂණයට කනිෂ්ඨ සාමජික සාමාජිකාවන් හා ජ්‍යේෂ්ඨ සාමාජික සාමාජිකාවන් 88 දෙනෙකුගෙන් සැඳුම්ලත් කණ්ඩායම්ක් විද්‍යා පීඨය ඉදිරිපසට එක් රැස් විණි.
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Brandigala Exploration-2016

Brandigala is well known hiking destination situated in Mathale district. A fallen Brandy bottle shape cause to call it as “Brandigala”.It can be seen from Alawatugoda while travelling (on left hand side) on A-9 route towards Mathale. It is about 1130 m in height.

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Namunukula Exploration-2016

ජූලි නමවෙනිදා රාත්‍රිය, තවත් සොඳුරු නැවුම් අත්දැකීමක් විඳින්නට අපේ සංගමයේ සාමජික සාමාජිකාවන් සූදානමෙන්.මේ අත් දැකීම නැවුම් වෙන්නේ එය පලමුවර සිදුවෙන එවැනි ගවේෂණයක් වූ නිසාවෙනුයි. ජ්‍යේෂ්ඨ හා කනිෂ්ඨ සාමාජිකයින් පිරිවැරුණු අපේ කණ්ඩායම නමුණුකුල කන්දේ රැයක් ගත කිරීමටයි සූදානම. දර, කෑම, බීම, බෙහෙත් හේත් වගේම කඳවුරු වල බඩු බාහිරාදියත් ලකලැහැස්ති කරගෙන රාත්‍රී නවයට විතර අපි සුපුරුදු විද්‍යා පීඨ පරිශ්‍රයෙන් පිට වුනේ තරමක සිත් දෙගිඩියාවකින්. මොකද මේක අපට අලුත්ම අත්දැකීමක් වුනු නිසාවෙන්. බස් රථයේ ගමන ගීතයෙන් සංගීතවත් වෙද්දී කාලය ගලා ගිහින් තිබුනේ අපිට හොර රහසේ. පාන්දර එක පමණ වන විට රන්දෙන්ගල හරහා බදුලු පාරෙන් අපි සිරි සීවලී මහාවිද්‍යාලය වෙත පැමිණියා.පාසලේ විදුහල්පතිතුමාගේ උණුසුම් පිලිගැනීම අප හිත්වලට කා වදිද්දී පෙර නොවූ විරූ අත්දැකීමක් ලබන්න අප හිත් ලකලැහැස්ති වුනා.

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Galboda Falls Exploration-2016

Galboda Falls (ගල්බොඩ ඇල්ල) is a waterfall in Sri Lanka. It is located by Nuwara Eliya District. Galboda is along the railway track of Colombo to Badulla. The environment is cool with much rain. The Galboda Ella Fall originates from the Galboda Canal (also known as the Hanguranketha River), in the Central Province wet zone. Annual rainfall here exceeds 4500mm, 60% of the rain coming from the south -west monsoon (dry season is January to February). Watawala, the area of Sri Lanka that receives the highest amount of rainfall on the island, is nearby. Galboda Falls is 30m high but the width ranges from between 3m and 6m, depending on the season.

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Dividos Kanda Exploration-2016

Bathalegala Exploration-2016

Loolkandura Exploration-2016

The Loolecondera estate was the first tea plantation estate in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) started in 1867 by Englishman James Taylor, it is situated in Kandy, Sri Lanka.

James Taylor started the plantation of tea within 19 acres (77,000 m2) of land in Loolecondera and it grew rapidly. In 1872, he started a tea factory with his latest invention of the tea leaves cutting machine.

He spent most of his life in Loolecondera until his death in 1892.

Katusukonda Exploration-2016

Marking the end of the hike season 2015/2016 as #UEC we explored Katusu Konda on 31st of January 2016.

The Hanthana Mountain Range lies in central Sri Lanka, south-west of the city of Kandy. It was declared as an environmental protection area in February 2010 under the National Environment Act.The maximum height of the range is 3800 ft. The mountain range consists of seven peaks. The highest one being the Uura Kanda.The range is a favourite destination among the mountain hikers in Sri Lanka. University of Peradeniya is situated adjacent to the Hanthana mountain range.

Hidden Waterfall Exploration-2016

#UEC went on a new expedition to find a hidden waterfall in Naula area on 23rd January. The media crew of wenasa TV programme of ITN channel joined with explorers for this amazing exploration.The waterfall is situated at Sandamadala village.It has been never visited even by the villagers. Explorers were the first team to set foot on the destination.

Himalayan Exploration-2015

පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ  ගවේෂකයන්ගේ සංගමයේ සාමාඡිකයෝ හය දෙනෙකු හිමාල ගවේෂනය සාර්ථකව නිම කර පසුගියදා මෙරටට පැමින ඇත.

විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ගවේෂකයන් 6 දෙනා ගෝලීය උණුසුමට එරෙහි වෙමු යන තේමාව රැගෙන හිමාල ගවේෂනය යෙදුනු අතර පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලීය ගවේෂකයින්ගේ සංගමය 8 වන වරටත් සංවිධානය කළ මෙම හිමාල ගවේෂනය සදහා ඉංඡිනේරැ පිඨයේ එස්.එම්.අබේනායක,සි.ඩි.මැදවල,එල්.ඒ.උදයංග,එච්.ඩි.තාරක,වෛද්‍ය පිඨයේ සෝනම් යෝසර්,කෘෂි විද්‍යා පීඨයේ ඒ.එස්.තෙන්නකෝන් යන සිසුහු සහභාගි වූහ.

හිමාලයේ මිටර 5600 ක උසින් වු කල්පතාර් කදු මුදුනට ලගා වු බවද ගවේෂක පිරිස කියති.

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Annual Get-together 2015

School Orientation & Hiking Competition 2015-Intro

perCHAMPS-Inter Faculty 2015-Teaser

Archaeological Exploration-2015

#UEC explored Sigiriya on 26th and Ritigala on 27th of December 2015.

Environment around the Sigiriya may have been inhabited since prehistoric times. There is clear evidence that the many rock shelters and caves in the vicinity were occupied by Buddhist monks and ascetics from as early as the 3rd century BCE.

Kirigalpottha Exploration-2015

Galboda Falls Exploration-2015

Bible Rock Exploration-2015

When travelling by Colombo-Kandy road someone may wonder what is the rock that imitates Sigiriya when passing the Kadugannawa junction.It is the bible rock,also known as Batalegala which is 798 m in height.Its true location is Hathgampola, a rural village in Aranayake in kegalle district .With the intention of exploring this giant rock the university exploreres’ club consisted of 81  hikers started the journey on 22nd of March 2015 at about 8.00 a.m. from the university premises.

School Orientation Program & Hiking Competition-Flashback -2014

School Orientation Program & and Hiking Competition 2014 - Intro II

School Orientation & Hiking Competition 2014-Intro

Galboda Falls Exploration-2014

Galaboda waterfall originates from the Hanguranketha river in the Central Province wet zone. It is located in Nuwaraeliya district. Galaboda fall is 30m in hight. But the width ranges from between 3m & 6m , depending on the season. Annual rainfall here exceeds 4500mm; 60%of the rain coming from south – west monsoon dry season in January to February. Galaboda is along the railway track of Colombo to Badulla. The environment is cool as it rains a lot. The name of the fall (Galaboda) means “fall adjoining the stone”. 

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Hunnas Falls Exploration-2014

Kabaragala Exploration-2014

Loolkandura Exploration-2014

Annual School Orientation Programme & Hiking Competition-2013

Himalayan Expedition 2013-Flashback

පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ  ගවේෂකයන්ගේ සංගමයේ සාමාඡිකයෝ හය දෙනෙකු හිමාල ගවේෂනය සාර්ථකව නිම කර පසුගියදා මෙරටට පැමින ඇත.

විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ගවේෂකයන් 6 දෙනා ගෝලීය උණුසුමට එරෙහි වෙමු යන තේමාව රැගෙන හිමාල ගවේෂනය යෙදුනු අතර පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලීය ගවේෂකයින්ගේ සංගමය 8 වන වරටත් සංවිධානය කළ මෙම හිමාල ගවේෂනය සදහා ඉංඡිනේරැ පිඨයේ එස්.එම්.අබේනායක,සි.ඩි.මැදවල,එල්.ඒ.උදයංග,එච්.ඩි.තාරක,වෛද්‍ය පිඨයේ සෝනම් යෝසර්,කෘෂි විද්‍යා පීඨයේ ඒ.එස්.තෙන්නකෝන් යන සිසුහු සහභාගි වූහ.

හිමාලයේ මිටර 5600 ක උසින් වු කල්පතාර් කදු මුදුනට ලගා වු බවද ගවේෂක පිරිස කියති.

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Himalayan Exploration - 2013

පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ  ගවේෂකයන්ගේ සංගමයේ සාමාඡිකයෝ හය දෙනෙකු හිමාල ගවේෂනය සාර්ථකව නිම කර පසුගියදා මෙරටට පැමින ඇත.

විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ගවේෂකයන් 6 දෙනා ගෝලීය උණුසුමට එරෙහි වෙමු යන තේමාව රැගෙන හිමාල ගවේෂනය යෙදුනු අතර පේරාදෙණි විශ්ව විද්‍යාලීය ගවේෂකයින්ගේ සංගමය 8 වන වරටත් සංවිධානය කළ මෙම හිමාල ගවේෂනය සදහා ඉංඡිනේරැ පිඨයේ එස්.එම්.අබේනායක,සි.ඩි.මැදවල,එල්.ඒ.උදයංග,එච්.ඩි.තාරක,වෛද්‍ය පිඨයේ සෝනම් යෝසර්,කෘෂි විද්‍යා පීඨයේ ඒ.එස්.තෙන්නකෝන් යන සිසුහු සහභාගි වූහ.

හිමාලයේ මිටර 5600 ක උසින් වු කල්පතාර් කදු මුදුනට ලගා වු බවද ගවේෂක පිරිස කියති.

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Mathurata Ella Exploration-2013

Kurundu Oya waterfall is the second highest waterfall of Sri Lanka which is situated in Walapane area. This water fall got its name because it starts from Kurundu River. The fall is high about 206m. This is very beautiful and very high. Though this water fall is very beautiful it’s not famous like other main waterfalls. Reason is the location of this fall. It is far away from the main road (need to travel 18 Km to Kandapola road from Nuwaraeliya town.). If someone needs to visit this fall he/she must go through hills, down hills and also through dangerous cliffs.  Piduruthalagala Mountain is much closer to Kurundu oya waterfall.

Kurundu oya starts from the north brow of the Piduruthalagala Mountain. This connects with other water streams that starts with Hiphorest Mountain and flows through tea estates. At one end of Mathurata, this kurundu oya falls from a Granite rock, creating the amazing kurundu oya alla as two tiers.  Because of this amazing creation the starting point of the water fall   cannot be seen from bottom. This is very rare in waterfalls.

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Sinharaja Exploration-2013

Kotaganga Falls Exploration-2013

Loolkandura Exploration-2013

Coaching Camp-2012

Annual Campfire-2009

At the end of a Hike Season, Annual Camp Fire is the membership awarding ceremony of the UEC. Not like other societies of the University, UEC do not issue memberships at the very beginning of a Hike Season. It's not necessary to have a membership for the new comers to participate in the UEC activities. But UEC membership will be awarded at the end of a Hike Season according to the performance of the new comers in a Hike Season.

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Alagalla Exploration-2009

We had another remarkable event on last Week. That was the Alagalla Exploration. Our team, about 25 members went to Poththapitiya by bus from the University. We were lucky enough to hike on a picture-perfect day in January when the visibility was near 100% at the top of the mountain. The climate was perfect. Time was around 10 AM, when we start the Exploration. The whole trip, including a leisurely picnic at the top, took us two hours

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Hanthana Exploration-2008

Hanthana Exploration was done Last sunday (14th of 
Sep) with about 80 UEC members. It is happy to say that I also could get part of the Hike. More than 40 Senior members were there. And also lot of new faces also were there. Exploration was Started from faculty of Science at 8.30 a.m and could finish around 5.0 p.m. Hanthana Exploration is a good start for the new hike season.

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Himalayan Exploration-2007

Source: Sunday times 25 March 2007 March 22, 2007 is an unforgettable day for the University Explorers’ Club (UEC) of the University of Peradeniya as well as Sri Lanka. our members; two graduates and two undergraduates set out for a historical hike to climb the highest point of the Himalayas that any Sri Lankan has ever reached. Graduates Jayampathi Weerakoon (25) of the Faculty of Engineering, Sandun Dissanayake (27) of the Faculty of Science and the two undergraduates Chanaka Rajapakshe (23) of Faculty of Engineering and Chanaka Warnakulasooriya (23) also of the Faculty of Engineering set out to Nepal to create history as the first Sri Lankans to reach 22200 ft which is the summit of “Mera peak”.

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